Russian American Wedding or balalaika scam Russian lyrics, Russian songs translations into English If you are looking for a particular Russian song or music that you can not find anywhere try to post your message into RMDA groop on Google (first you need to become a member) and our friends and members of the group maybe will be able to help you.
Russian folk song 'Iz za Ostrova Na Strezhen'' (Stepan Razin) Russian folk song 'Vdol' Da Po Rechke' (Kazanka River) Russian folk song 'Step' Da Step' Krugom' (Steppes) Rusian folk song 'Po Donu Gulyaet Kazak Molodoy' (Cossack is walking near the Don River)
Russian folk song 'Kalinka' (Snowball Tree) Russian folk song 'Korobeiniki' (The Peddlers)