A few points of criticism are in order though. The interface has seen only minor improvements from Grim Fandango, but if you ask me LucasArts made a wise decision in adding action-lines into the game. On a positive note, the cut-scenes a really well executed. However, over-all physics are somewhat lacking. Certain animations are very fluid and lighting in the game is quite brilliant. That is not to say that the soundtrack isn't high-quality, it just doesn't offer as many memorable moments as the past games. Musically the game does not quite deliver as all music is either similar to or borrowed from Curse. Stan is also a bit of a heckler, but decent. Even though I miss Alexandra Boyd's lovely British accent, her replacement Charity James does a good job with Elaine, though truth be told I liked her performance as Grace Nakimura in Gabriel Knight 3 better. On elements that were done well, I must agree that the voice cast of the game was simply professional.
One thing is for certain, the ending of the game is so ridiculously over the top that I'm pretty sure the game-series has reached some kind of conclusion (though CMI is still the pinnacle). Escape from Monkey Island, the fourth game in the Monkey Island tetralogy, is a mixed bag.