The eponymous character of the first series is Naruto Uzumaki, an energetic ninja who wishes to become Hokage, the leader of Konohagakure and holds a monster called the Nine Tails in his body. The series' storyline follows the adventures of a group of young ninja from the village of Konohagakure (Village Hidden in the Leaf). It is followed by the sequel series Boruto: Naruto Next Generations by Ukyō Kodachi, which continues where the epilogue of the first series left off. The storyline is divided into two parts, simply named Part I and Part II, with the latter taking place two-and-a-half years after the conclusion of Part I. The series takes place in a fictional universe where countries vie for power by employing ninja who can use superhuman abilities in combat.
The Naruto ( Japanese: ナルト) manga and anime series features an extensive cast of characters created by Masashi Kishimoto. The major characters of the series as they appear in Part II with Kurama (The Nine-Tailed Fox) in the background.